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I took your hyperthyroidism supplement list to the health food store and loaded up.

It was a ton of pills, powders and capsules and they set me back by about $300. It took hours to find everything on the shelves of the health food store. I came home and dosed up. I felt a little nauseated for a bit, however, I started feeling better the next day.

It took three days to pee out all the supplements. It took ten days before I really felt good and slept again. But, it seems to be what got my system back on track, so it was worth all of it.

I woke up 2.5 weeks ago and felt rested and ready to face the world. I "felt" like exercising heartily (not minimally or out of obligation).

My head was finally clear. It's like I'm back to my old self!

So, thank you, thank you, thank you.

I'm so glad you're out there working this, because my doctor is not, nor is she interested in learning about what brought me back to the land of the sane and happy again. And I was certainly in no shape to do all the research you've done to date.


I was just surprised there was a name to how I was feeling. My eyes were red and glassy every morning. My skin was parched, had feelings to do something in a big way, heart palpitations and there was no push from my gut at all when I spoke.

I resigned from work just feeling something was wrong and 1 month later someone thought there was a bit of goiter and the TSH was at 0.01. I slept well until I heard a diagnosis-Graves. My heart palpitations gave angina now and my mind was absorbed with telling those around me.

The uptake showed 62% at 24 hours. I went to an endo and got 5mg (2x day) of Tapazole.  The first time I took one, I felt a gravity pulling me down from the top of my head. It lasted 20 seconds I think. I couldn’t move. The second pill it happened only for seconds and not again.

By two months I was hypo TSH 15. I went from TSH 6 to 15 in one week. I thought it was a cold coming on. I was dropping to sleep on the couch as soon as I returned from working 5 hours; and I slept for hours. I developed tunnel vision and was bruising myself badly bumping into things. I couldn’t remember from one moment to the next. There were no mirrors in my head anymore. No reflections no matter where I looked. There were thoughts of planning suicide during the day. 

The end of my taking the Tapazole came with the screaming headache and lack of voluntary breathing. I had to take deep breaths in and push the air out slowly like in birthing. I did this for 2 weeks after I stopped the medication. I enjoy breathing; long breaths of relief while walking or sitting back now in remission.

My instinct told me what to do. I called all the naturopathic clinics and told them, not asked, “I have Graves disease-hyperthyroidism-I need someone who has experience with it. If not I don’t want to come in and meet anyone.” Dr. Wei Li, at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine picked up her phone when I was transferred and she said she helped a girl into remission after 2 years of treatment. Her eyes were bulging and in 3 months they were normal and she smoked.

I met her the next week; acupuncture 1x week for 13 weeks and then every other week; 31 treatments in all. I laid down and needles were stuck around the throat, between the brows, top of head, ankles, big toes, palms, wrists….and Chinese herbs were prescribed every week. When I ran out I either got more until the next visit or did without.

My goal was to eat 3 meals a day; I always ate 2. I ate meat for the first time in 20 years. I enjoyed friend’s company more than the usual and talked more often and laughed because I couldn’t remember anything to worry about. It cost $1800 over the 1 year until the TSH was .95. After treatment stopped, the TSH continued to move to 1.3.

Remission felt like I just walked through a rain storm. I was bushed. I could hardly cycle the 3 miles to downtown; a ride I use to race 8 years earlier.

At the time I found this website (after remission) I began eating 2 tbl. Lecithin with an excellent multi-, extra 2mg copper, 500mg PABA, and 100mcg selenium in the am; chromium 200mcg, cal/mag 1000/500, and manganese 10mg in the pm. I needed to eat with the copper which is great incentive for planning meals.

I had a bone density done 7 years ago; got it redone and the bone density was the same, my weight was identical, and my height was a bit more. I tell my family about the supplements because I know the importance of having enough of everything to work together. 

[It is 2 years since remission; my TSH, T3, T4 are fine (by the way, a hyperthyroid panel is only $55 compared to having the 3 tests done separately). I haven’t lost or gained weight really. I am A LOT stronger having continued with the supplements and protein. I am thinking of trying gardening as a hobby job, something I couldn’t do weak with Graves.]       Eileen Gannon,


Story 3:

From Pamela:

There are several of us, I believe, who are doing well without the meds. I was on PTU for about ten months, responded well, but shortly after stopping the medication, my symptoms reappeared and my doctor gave me my "options"--RAI or surgery. Fortunately, I discovered this site, began the supplements, made a few other lifestyle changes, and I've been doing well ever since--without drugs or doctors.

One of the first things I did was to slow down. I realized that I was just doing too much and not taking time relax. I have three children, one of them a baby, and it is easy to forget about oneself. So I began to take daily naps and to take gentle walks (this, I think, helps spiritually as well as physically) and to stop worrying about getting everything on my list accomplished.

Next, I added copper, magnesium, calcium (I currently take mag/cal in a 2/1 ratio), B vitamins (John is right here...niacin IS better than niacinamide), MSM, selenium, iron, boron and flax seed oil. I also use Celtic sea salts, which are rich in minerals, in my cooking.

I have cut back my dairy intake severely. I was a vegetarian for 13 years and ate way too much cheese. Now I limit my cheese intake to Parmigiano-Reggiano (which is an excellent source of nutrients and virtually lactose free) and butter. I no longer drink caffeinated coffee, though I do drink organic de-caf. And adding meat to my diet, though a difficult step for me, has helped tremendously. Also, I have taken John's suggestion and have limited my intake of leafy greens--I used to eat two salads a day, not to mention lots of kale and spinach in soups and such.

Another thing that has helped me is the getting over the fear that my body was going "crazy". Our bodies are complex and highly intelligent organisms--unfortunately, we, their caretakers are not always "with it". A disease like Graves is simply a wake up call...

Good luck with your healing. I know from experience that it is not as easy as it sounds. I still don't know if I would be considered "healed" by the medical community. Someday I'll go have more blood work done...

Sincerely, Pamela

Story 4:

Hi Suzanne, I too have Graves with TED. Just found out in February and am not interested in RAI, surgery or any form of drugs. Everyone is different and needs to find there own path. I found this site at the end of June and immediately mail ordered all the supplements needed for hyper. I spent some time reading all the info John has provided and started taking the supplements the second week of July. I've had great results so far. I feel like TED is almost nonexistent. On a daily basis my eyes would be red, glassy looking, tear all the time and would be sore for at least half of every day. Now it's rare when this happens. Just spent a week on vacation and only wore my sunglasses twice. That's almost unheard of! One of the other major symptoms I have is something called pretibial myxedema which occurs in about 5% of those who have Graves. Don't know if you have it, but it's a red swelling on the front of the lower leg(s). I have it on both legs and it's large, red and ugly!!! Since starting the supplements these lumps are about half of the original size. Couldn't be more pleased with the progress. Also, my heart rate is finally starting to slow down. I changed my diet in May after being a vegetarian for 8 years and now have a high animal protein, low carb diet.

Anyway, sorry this has gotten so long! I encourage you to try the supplements since it can be more difficult to get the quantity and quality through food sources. Good luck, Deanna

Post 2: I started taking 6 mg of copper for about 1 1/2 weeks, then added iron. After a few days of iron I added all the B vitamins listed and a couple days after that added the cal/mag. Currently taking 400 cal and 1200 mag. After adding the cal/mag I added a new supplement, waited a few days and then added another until I was taking everything on the supplement list. I recently started taking 10 mg of zinc and 5 mg of manganese a few days a week. I do not take any C since it depletes copper and that is my largest deficiency. Also, I stopped taking my multi since it was not in the proper balance according to John's supplement list. My heart rate still is high (90-120) frequently so that's why I've been playing with the amount of zinc and manganese. John indicated to cut back on those if hyper symptoms kick in. Anyway, hope this helps. Deanna

Story 5:

Blood work back.

March: T-4 in range (11.4) TSH low (0.1)

June: T-4 in range (8.1) TSH low (0.06)

September: T-4 in range (8.2) TSH IN RANGE! (0.79)

Hallelujah! I only wish I could have seen his FACE (the doctor) when he looked at these results. I know it's still on the low end of the range, and of course they didn't do the expensive T-3, but hey...I'm in range for the first time! And after only 3 months of this web site!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, John and everyone. Press on!


Story 6

Subj: [hyperthyroidism] It's Working - only 3 weeks!
Date: 2/26/01 7:00:42 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: rick

Hang in there everyone - it works!

I've been following John's guidelines along with my own research and after 3
weeks ALL of my symptoms are greatly reduced if not gone. I've still to
gain back the 20 lbs I lost, but I am not losing any more and my weight is
staying stable. My mental concentration is great, and a general feeling of
"well-being" is returning. My chest/heart still gets tight at times and I
still get the muscle tremors and high body temperature - but little by
little these also are going away. Since taking the supplements I've slept
like a baby each and every night - and do not wake up in the early morning
hours with anxiety. In fact - I am mellowing out and ask anyone who knows
me and they would say *that* is a miracle! *-) This past weekend my
"ambition" was returned and I actually went outside and worked on my project
of restoring a sports car - a project that I hadn't touched in about 2

I have not had any blood tests for awhile - I was on Tapazole for about 18
months and it did reduce my symptoms, but if I stopped taking it my symptoms
would all return in force within a few weeks - this time I am OFF the
Tapazole and holding steady! To be honest I probably will never get another
blood test - why? Because I don't care. After an ineffectual Endo and a
doctor who all but twisted my arm to get RAI (I told him I would NEVER kill
any of my body parts) I have zero faith in doctors - in fact, my Endo never
once asked me any questions about my diet or lifestyle! Incredible. John
has given me the faith to trust my body and realize that I can heal myself.

The Regimen: Copper (8-10mg daily) along with Cal/Mag, trace minerals,
boron, D, A, sulfur (MSM) B2, B1, Biotin and herbs: Passion Flower,
Bugleweed, Lemon Balm, Motherwort, protein - but I must say that the key for
me was B complex ! After doing lots of reading about my symptoms I realized
that everything pointed to the B vitamins. I suffered from terrible
digestion problems and now they are gone - I attribute this to B complex -
and also a prickly feeling in my feet (very uncomfortable) - not gone yet
but decreasing in severity. And also no more horrible muscle/joint
discomfort and little nagging injuries all the time!

How did my body get vitamin/mineral deficient? Years of abuse (body, mind
and soul) - eating/drinking refined foods - not taking my vitamins - staying
up too late, too much emotional stress - working out with heavy weights
(300+ pounds in the core exercises) too frequently (over training) - being in
debt (worry) and neglecting my spiritual side, years of drinking coffee
(about 5-6 or more times a day!), etc, etc, etc - I've always had the
constitution of a horse and basically just ran myself into the ground. How
are you stressing yourself? Be honest and take care of it!

BIG CONTRIBUTOR: I also quit caffeine, dairy, sugar and salt.
Trust yourself and have faith - don't be afraid to try things - what better
way to take control of your own body and free yourself from the vicious
circle of allopathic medicine.

It's a work in progress and I know there is along way to go - with this
disease you can change minute by minute - but I just wanted to share my
testimonial so you can keep the faith and keep going.

Bret H.
Portland, Oregon

Story 7

March 5, 2001

John's list is working for me also.  I'm currently taking 6 mg copper, b
complex, trace minerals, paba, biotin, boron.  My goiter has deceased in
size also over the last 5 weeks since I started the supplement list, besides
feeling 100% better.  I decrease my TAP a couple of weeks ago also.

The only problem I'm having is with the Calcium/Magnesium (stopped taking)
no matter what ratio I tried I would get muscle cramps.  I started taking
potassium yesterday to see if this would help. Has anyone found more than 99
mcg's in a supplement?  Taking 10 pills of potassium seems like a lot.(oh
well, what's a few more as long as they get the job done. LOL.)   Do you
think I should take potassium by its self for a few days and then try adding CAL/MAG back.  Maybe I need to add iron.  I feel almost like I have the flu today, low energy.

But for everybody, John's list is working, despite my own personal set back
with the Cal/mag and I saw improvement in the way I felt physically and
emotionally almost immediately after starting copper. Three weeks after
starting list, blood levels in normal range for the first time ever since
starting TAP in August of 2000!!

Anyone out there trying to decide whether or not to try the supplements, I
can tell you it is worth it!!

John and everyone Thanks again for being there for me. R.

Story 8

Subj: on the way to recovery!
Date: 5/10/01 12:47:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Dear John,

My thyroid problems started about a year ago and manifested themselves at first in the fall.  I experienced extreme fatigue and weight gain, plus cold hands an feet and nose. I went to my alternative doctor who thought I had Wilson's syndrome. He ordered blood tests and they came back normal. Only now do I know the difference between normal on paper and the ability for the body to be able to use the hormones, due to inability of nutrients to get through the cell walls.

I have gone through very tough times, feeling so tired, depressed, fat and so on. My md decided to give me a homeopathic remedy which did not work. He then put me on T3. That seemed to help alleviate some of the fatigue but when climbing up to 70mcg. I started having palpitations and my heart rate went up to 110 a minute. I was very concerned but thought I would be in good hands so I trusted him. This continued so He advised me to get off the T3.

You have no idea how it feels to see the light at the end of the tunnel(actually, you do since you yourself know how horrible this disease feels like.) For the first time in many months , I feel myself getting back to normal, I am not there yet but I feel a big improvement, like something is happening.

I also saw in your latest ideas the importance of potassium. I want to let you know that I don't supplement with it, since like you said it would take endless amount of pills. So I went to the health food store and got a tip on how to get from food. I started drinking V8 low sodium. It has 900 mg of potassium per cup!!!!!!!!! I drink two or three a day, it also has little sodium in it, 140 mg. I thought you would appreciate this information.

Thank you so much, sir, for having put this information on the net so people like me can find some vital help.
Mrs A.

P.S. I got my latest thyroid results back and almost jumped for joy. Thyroxin normal
as well as T3 levels, TSH is still low but hope with time this will resolve.

Story 9:

June 5, 2001 post to

I am one of the individuals who got better using John's suggestions.
I was diagnosed hyper in Jan 2000, 6 months after the birth of my
first child. Feeling terrible and having dropped so much weight, my
general practitioner agreed to see me, although he was sure over the
phone it was the flu. After taking my pulse (120 resting) he thought
I may have hyperthyroidism and referred me to an endocrinologist.
The endo was so pushy and really did not listen. I was diagnosed with
Graves (which sounded so terrible) and immediately scheduled RAI. My
gut screamed NO!! I had never experienced 'women's intuition' as
strongly as I did at that moment. I cancelled all the procedures and
set out finding a new endo. Luckily, my friend who is very into
natural health, directed me a wonderful endo who is so patient and
listens. Any concern I have is valid to him. Anyway, after my
diagnosis, I feverishly searched the internet and found iThyroid. I
followed the 'plan' along with prescribed meds. In 6 months, I was
normal and off meds. I have been off meds for about a year and still
normal. I just had an appointment yesterday and my endo told me he is
retiring!!! So, off I go in search of another endo.

I have been an active reader of this message board for a year, and
although I do not participate actively, I have found this to be one
of the best resources for information and support. Thank you to

Story 10:

Nodules disappeared after 4 weeks on John's supplements

From: Marie


I’m a woman of 54 who was tested for hyperthyroidism in July 24 or 26 this year. The tests were made twice - one day in between - t o make sure the results were correct before I was sent to the hospital clinic.

My test results were: TSH 0,02 (0,03) T4 47 (48) T3 - (16) No antibodies

As soon as the second test results arrived I was quickly sent to a well respected endo at the university hospital in my town. I had to wait only about 2 weeks before my first appointment with him. I really got the impression that they didn't want me to wait one day more than necessary. At this first meeting there was also another doctor present. She was there because she was on training for another specialty and was doing 6 weeks on the endo clinic. I mention this because this was a perfect opportunity for me to catch up a lot of information when the endo was teaching the trainee and when the two doctors were communicating with each other.

Anyway - when the endo first looked at my neck he said: ”Well, it’s obvious that you have a sick thyroid. A healthy thyroid doesn't look like yours.” After a long interview they both examined my thyroid with their hands. The dialogue between the two of them as they found nodules in my thyroid was interesting to listen to. I learned quite a lot about nodules at this first meeting with them.

After finding the nodules, everything happened really fast. A couple of days after I was on scintography and fine needle biopsy.

The result from the Scint was that my thyroid couldn't be found on the script. I didn't show up! The nurse asked me if a had lately taken health food supplements with iodine. I didn't know at the time, but a check in my refrigerator when I arrived home, showed that I had for a long time had at least 300 micrograms daily iodine (in the form of kelp) from supplements only. Not to mention the iodine I got from cheese, milk, etc. (I’m a vegetarian since about 25 years and don’ t eat fish or meat.) I later learned from my endo that here in Sweden there is an obvious problem with people taking too much kelp, with the unwanted result of a poisoned thyroid gland.

The result from the biopsy was that the nodules were benign which of course was of great relief to me.

As soon as I understood that I had an unwanted thyroid condition, I started searching on the web. In the middle of august I found - Thanks God! - Johns information and this Bulletin Board. I started reading. Days and nights. This period I must admit that I seriously neglected my job, but with the results I have today this was the best priority I ever made in my life. Now I’m catching up my work so no harm is done...

I started taking ’Johns supplements’ in the beginning of September.

The 28th I had a new appointment with my endo. The trainee doctor was present also this time. After a short talk they started the examination of my thyroid. Nodules gone! Completely gone! They both were very surprised and happy for me of course. Before I left the clinic, the endo looked at my neck and said with quite a bit of surprise in his voice: ”Your thyroid looks absolutely normal. There is no sign anymore of a thyroid disease.” Yesterday the endo called me on the phone to tell me about

My new test results (2 months after the first test results and after 4 weeks on supplementation):

TSH: 0,01 T4 31 T3 6,6

He was very nice to me and wished me good luck. I am to run new test 2 more times with about 6 weeks intervals. After that I will have a new personal appointment with him. His last words to me before we ended the dialogue yesterday was: ”I hope you understand that you are a very lucky woman!”

When the rest results reflect my healing by being within the normal range, I will make a copy of Johns material and give it to him. If I tell him now he will be too suspicious and negative I suppose. I gave him a little hint during my last visit in his clinic - telling him that I had found very interesting information about mineral supplementation on the web - but he didn’t catch my hint. Or he deliberately ignored it - I don’t know. But I have no doubt he will be interested if he can see me recover completely before his eyes with methods that he never heard of. This doctor is very intelligent, listening, interested and nice so I really think he could be open for something new if I’m patient enough to wait for the right moment.

I’m on Inderal 2 x 10/day for palpitations. That’s all. I don’t have and never had other symptoms.

So again Thanks God for showing me Johns site and Thanks John for all your research and generosity to share your findings with those who need it the most. And Thanks, Thanks all of you out there who, although you don’t know it, the last month has been my dearest friends. Your messages, questions and answers gave me the hope and strength I needed to follow this path with complete confidence. I have had some nights where darkness and fear tried to catch me. Those nights I immediately raised from my bed, determined not to surrender to the dark powers, sat down in front of my computer and ’talked’ with you on the board. Again, thanks, thanks, thanks...

Love to you all from Marie

Story 11

2 success stories

From: Vivien
Dec. 13, 2001


In December last year I was diagnosed with HyperT. I was suffering from serious palpitations and had lost nearly 2 stones in weight and was looking skeletal. I was prescribed Antithyroid drugs which reduced the palpitations. In June this year my hair began to fall out. I was feeling pretty desperate and found John's website quite by accident and immediately began the nutrient program. Apart from the "usual" symptons associated with HyperT I had also suffered from severe headaches for years - probably more than ten years and which I never associated with HyperT. Six months on I can truly say that I have never felt so well. It's feeling so well that has made me realise just how ill I was. The headaches have all but gone and I have lots of new hair growth! For me it's a miracle. The road has been rocky, balancing copper, iron and all the other nutrients has been almost like a full time job but the rewards are now coming through. My sister has been Hypo for over 10 years, in fact she thinks she has been Hypo for probably 20 years without knowing it. She is also experiencing remarkable improvements and in her words, has begun to feel alive again. I just thought that my posting might help and encourage those of you trying to balance the nutrients or for those who are still wondering whether 'it works.' It's not easy to replenish all those depleted nutrients but stick with it. For those still wondering... believe me, it works. I cannot thank John enough for his time and support and for his caring and dedication in putting together all the information that he has. Without him I am not sure how bad my health would have been. I will continue to keep you updated on our progress. Good luck everyone.

Story 12
January 8, 2002

Hi John!,

It's been a long time but I wanted to make sure that
before I wrote a success story it was true.  I feel
confident that the following is accurate.  Thank you
again for all your support and knowledge.

My story starts around January, 1998 when I went in
for my routine pap test and saw my gynecologist.  I
mentioned to her that I was having trouble losing
weight and so she did a thyroid test.  She called me a
few days later to say that I had “hyperthyroidism” and
should see an endocrinologist immediately.  I thought
she must be mistaken but since she was so emphatic I
decided to make an appointment.  In March I saw an
endo who did a blood test and it revealed a suppressed
TSH but negative antibodies.   She suggested that I
take a thyroid uptake test.  I had never heard of this
illness before and so followed her suggestions.  The
test  was given in May and it showed that I had Graves
disease.  This puzzled me because at that time I did
not have any physical symptoms.  The endo wanted me to
start taking Tapazole for 6 months to see if it would
correct my thyroid and if that did not work she
suggested that I get it radiated.  I knew the moment
she said that I needed to do some work to see what
going on in my body.  I said “no thank you” to the
endo and started to do my own research.  From what I
read about Grave’s disease, I did not seem like a
likely candidate and thought all the tests were wrong.
I vaguely remember going onto the internet and coming
in contact with John and his copper idea.  It sounded
too simple to me and so dismissed it.  As time went
on, I was going about my usual life and I started to
see symptoms of heart palpitations, fatigue and some
weight loss.  My journey took me to naturopaths and
homeopaths but with no success, I seemed to be getting
worse and spending hundreds of dollars.   In April of
2000 my heart rate was really high and my muscles were
so weak that I could barely do my normal walking of
household chores and my right eye I noticed was
getting larger rather quickly.  It was at that time
that I did some more research on the net and came
across the ithyroid web site.  I read John’s story and
thought that I would give it a try.  It was also at
that time that my medical doctor insisted that I start
on some medication so reluctantly I did.  I needed at
that time to go on some heart medicine and tapazole.
I also started to follow John’s supplement list for
hyperT   I had a very good doctor who was working with
me and I would get my blood tested about every 3
weeks.  Working with John, and following his
recommendations for magnesium, I was soon able to get
off of the heart medication.  It was also at this time
that I started seeing a Chinese herbalist and I was
making a concoction of herbs into a tea for my thyroid
as well.  I wanted to lick this illness.  This was a
slow process but I was very patient During the 6
months that I was on the tapazole, working with my
medical doctor, we were able to adjust the dosage so
that according to the blood tests I was ready to get
off of the drug. I was still taking the recommended
vitamins and herbs. In March 2000. my medical doctor
said that I did not need to come back for any more
blood tests unless I felt like my symptoms were coming
back.  So far I have been doing very well.  My eye is
almost back to normal and I have been able to cut back
tremendously on the amount of vitamins that I am now
taking.  For instance, I am now able to take a
“normal” B complex.  My Chinese herbalist has told me
that it looks like in the spring I will be able to
stop making my teas and things seem to have gotten in
balance  During this time I was also concentrating on
my diet and avoiding all wheat, etc. My eye is almost
back to normal and my energy level has been just
great.  I have put on about 15 lbs of what I have lost
but am confident that if I watch my diet and exercise
regularly, I’ll be able to take them off.

I can’t say how much I appreciated when I needed the
help coming to the BB for support and direction.  I
would recommend for anyone who is suffering with any
thyroid problem to find a doctor who will work with
them if needed, regularly visit the board and learn as
much as you can as accurate knowledge is power, take
the supplements outlined and follow the diet

I will be forever grateful to John who has spent
countless hours on the net and answered not only my
questions but many more and was also encouraging us to
continue.  I continue to point friends who I know who
are just developing thyroid problems to visit the
website and make it their best friend.  My hope is
that in some small way someone will read my story and
get the courage not to give up but to work with their
body and what’s best for them.


Story 13

Subj: Graves Disease 
Date: 9/16/02 1:11:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)


I am writing to you because I tried to post on and they won't allow me to tell my story, because it's "impossible".  So, here's my story and you can tell me what you think. 

I was diagnosed with Graves Disease in February of 2000.  My levels were at 25 consistently.  I was referred to an endo and immediately put on PTU.  During the next two years, my levels never went below 9.  So, after reading some information on your site, I decided to try vitamins/minerals and see if they would help at all.  In March of this year, 2002, I was on four PTU/day.  I stopped taking them completely and started taking the vitamins/minerals recommended on your site.  I was taking them daily and had my blood checked in May of this year.  My levels were too LOW.  So, I adjusted my intake to every other day and had my blood checked again two weeks ago.  For the first time in over two years, I am at 2.49.  Right smack in the middle of 0 and 5 - where I'm supposed to be.  I feel great.  I have my energy back.  I am in remission.  But, according to my endo "i was going into remission when i started the vitamin therapy back in March".  That's why I was on four pills/day?  Because i was going into remission?  Anyway, I tried to share my success with others on the National Graves Disease Foundation web page, but they refuse to let me post on there because they said that what I'm saying is impossible.  I'm telling you that it's not.  It happened to me.  I don't know if it will last.  I don't know if it will work for everyone.  But, before people have the RAI or thyroidectomy, I think they should at least be told that maybe something all natural will work for them.

Please give me your thoughts.

Thank you,

Mary Beth Workman
CRB Consulting Engineers, Inc.