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Supplementation with the amino acid carnitine may help with some of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. As the following study indicates, carnitine excretion is accelerated in hyperthyroidism. There is a report that some hypers have been helped by carnitine, although I did not find carnitine to be significantly helpful for me during hyperthyroidism.
Metabolism 1977 Apr;26(4):351-6

Urinary excretion of carnitine in patients with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism: augmentation by thyroid hormone.

Maebashi M, Kawamura N, Sato M, Imamura A, Yoshinaga K

Urinary excretion of carnitine and serum concentrations of carnitine, triglyceride, and free fatty acids were measured in 54 hyperthyroid and 13 hypothyroid patients, and the results were compared with those of normal subjects. In hyperthyroid patients urinary excretion of carnitine was highly increased above that of the control subjects. On adequate treatment with antithyroid drug, carnitine excretion was reduced to the normal range, and serum lipids changed in parallel. In contrast, carnitine excretion was markedly reduced in hypothyroid patients. After substitution therapy with thyroid hormones the excretion increased in these patients. This change was associated with a marked reduction of serum triglyceride. There was an inverse correlation between urinary excretion of carnitine and serum triglyceride concentration. Carnitine excretion was significantly correlated with serum thyroxine concentration in hyper- and hypothyroid patients. The results suggest that thyroid hormones play an important role in carnitine metabolism, which in turn influences serum triglyceride metabolism.

Subj: [hyperthyroidism] L-carnitine and Graves'
Date: 1/10/01 3:52:04 AM Pacific Standard Time

When I was experiencing a lot of bone/muscle pain after RAI, I tried Mega 
L-carnitine based on an article I read. It really helped. I have no idea 
why an amino acid would be helpful, but it did. I think that all theories 
about our need for supplemental vitamins and minerals are definitely on the 
right track.